A Co-worker of mine inspired me to start posting more of my routines to follow from home. So here I am!
1.) Side lunges w/ a Dip.
* Great for inner thigh muscle build
* Do this routine to a high-pace song for a high-intensity work out!
- 8-10 on each leg alternating w/ a wide-stance squat between each lunge.
Skater Jumps:
* ALSO great for inner thigh muscle build and a great high-intensity work out.
- Do 10 on each leg
- 1 set after each cardio set (IE: 60 jumping jacks> 10 Skater Jumps> 20 mountain climbers> 10 Skater Jumps. Etc.)
* TIP: Do not let your non-dominant leg touch the ground when landing (It slows your momentum and takes the focus off your balance, core strengthening and form)
Squat leg lifts:
Put on your favorite bass-slapping workout jam. This is what I like to call "the eloquent pop and lock" :)
(See image: Notice I'm not wearing shoes in one photo - Shoes are optional)
- Try not to take this one so seriously.
1.) Drop into squat
2.) Pop into a leg lift
3.) Repeat
** TIP doing this to the beat of your favorite song is not only FUN, but it builds those booty muscles, incorporates core, balance, and gives a foxy cardio glow.
I call this the "Super man that hoe"
(Bay arean joke)
1.) Do this standing, or kneeling
2.) Give a slight bend back ward
3.) Lift one arm above your head at an angle
4.) Trace raised arm w/ lower arm and bend back
** Do as many of these as you can!
This is a great active recovery move for post yoga.
Good for arm strength and latissimus dorsi muscle (Back of your oblique muscles)
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