Thursday, January 10, 2013

Progression means baby steps.

Pretty damn proud of my progress, I must say.

I was asked if I'd be interested in becoming a Beach Body Coach. I'd be establishing an empire of peeps to coach both online and in person... I suppose. I like the idea of a sense of community support for keeping up with my health, as well as encouraging others. Puts more pressure on me to make those appearances and kick my own ass into high gear. Hm, I guess I'll have to put some thought into this.

For now, what's changed:
- Diet> Mostly Vegan again.
- Considering juicing for detox, not sure yet.
** It helps that I've convinced Sean to join me :)

Work out:
I've doubled my regular cardio routine.
- Jumping jacks, knee highs, rope, burpees, and mountain climbers, jump squats, skater jumps
- Jumping Jacks> 60 reps> 2 sets
- Knee Highs> 50 reps> 3 sets
- Rope> 1 minute
- Burpees> 10> 1 set after each
**Core tip: It helps to do an entire set of mountain climbers on an incline to an ENTIRE song.

- Ball core: 10 lb plate crunch, side switches > 20 of each> 2 sets
- Standing Oblique crunches> 20 each side
- Lying Leg fall> 20 Each side
- Yoga> Warrior obliques.

- Planks, chaturanga, Leg to knee/ chins, Down dog push ups, Cobra
**NEW: Holding bakasana pose for 4 minutes at the end of work out = TOUGH!!

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