I get SO much satisfaction from these deeper asanas than I use to. Years ago, this would have been a breathless struggle ...But more and more, my body is learning to adjust to the various shapes I hold. My breath is found easily as I've learned to slow my motions and deepen my posture. Dropping back into urdhva dhanurasana (wheel pose) use to be a task and now I feel the strength in my legs to push myself over.
1.) Relax and find breath in tadasana (mountain pose)
2.) Step into a hips distant stance - Hands at side, palms open
- Inhale, Exhale.
3.) Gently place hands on waist, thumb straddling the lower waste and hip bone and feeling the small of the back.
4.) Use inner traverse/ lower-back muscle to bend back but also counter balance your weight
5.) Extend arms over head (Excellent shoulder opening stretch!)
6.) Allow your body to drop and become supported by your hands. (Easier said than done.)
* Modification: USE THE WALL!
Advanced step (*Not to be attempted if feeling any discomfort in this posture): Walk hands closer to feet. This allows for an open heart chakra, deeper should stretch and back bend.
Deeper asanas:
Uttanasana (Standing forward fold) Hanumanasana (The splits/ Monkey Pose) and Anjaneyasana (Grounded Warrior)
Uttanasana is one of my favorite restorative postures and my go-to posture to any beginning any yoga flow. Pictured in top left.
1.) Inhale> Begin in tadasana (Mountain Pose)
2.) Exhale> Fold into Uttanasana
3.) Allow the upper body to dangle for two breaths
4.) Inhale> Bring upper body up half-way
- Hold arms at calves or ankles to prevent your upper body from extending too high
- Arch the lower back and tighten the core muscles
5.) Exhale> Uttanasana
* My Flow begins at the front of the mat and includes 3-4 more repetitions of uttanasana.
6.) In Uttanasana, place hands on mat firmly
7.) Jump-back transition into Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana (High plank>Lowered plank)
- Hold pose for a breath
8 Transition into Adho Muhka Svanasana (Downward dog)
- Hold for a few breaths
- Bring heals to mat
- Feel the spine lengthen
9.) Step into Virabhadrasana (Warrior lunge)
- Square hips to parallel the ground and angle knee above the heel
- Drop hips lower. Feel fire burn in glutes. (So intense!)
10.) Lower into Anjaneyasana (Grounded Warrior) As pictured int top right image.
- Bow back for an intense hip and shoulder opener.
After comfortability is attained with this posture, transition unto the other leg.
11.) Once hamstrings feel sufficiently warmed up, try anchoring your arms onto the ground.
- Gingerly scoot back leg out ward for a transition into Hanumanasana
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